In voorbereiding

Datum en uur: 
zondag, 5 juni, 2016 - 11:00 tot 12:30
Erwin Bomas
Voordrachten: voor leden: € 2. Voor niet-leden: € 7. Studieavonden: voor leden: gratis. Voor niet-leden vanaf de tweede maal: € 2.

Theosophical Background:

Erwin Bomas (1979) has been a member of The Theosophical Society Point Loma - Blavatskyhouse since 2006. He is a speaker for the national lecture program and for several international theosophical conferences (a.o. ITC) and symposia. He is a course leader of the 'Thinking Differently' and 'Wisdom of Life' courses of the International Study-centre for Independent Search for truth (I.S.I.S. Foundation) and a study leader in Eindhoven.He also functions as webmaster. In a professional context he works at a public national expertise centre on information and communication technology in education and helps schools to innovate education using new technologies.